
In today’s dynamic era, a person’s capability is no longer measured by the number of adversaries they can overcome but by how many of those adversaries they can inspire. To me, this is the greatest definition of leadership. Do you need to be in a position of power to lead? Or must you be in charge to take control of situations around you? In fact, Clay Scroggins, in his book How to Lead When You’re Not in Charge, emphasizes that true leadership is about influence, not authority (Scroggins, 2017). He outlines how to lead oneself with self-awareness, discipline, and emotional intelligence while adopting a positive, proactive attitude. By building trust and credibility, understanding organizational dynamics, and aligning with broader organizational goals, one can effectively lead and inspire others. Scroggins highlights the importance of communication, seeking feedback, and managing relationships with superiors to add value and support their leadership. This approach encourages personal growth and underscores that impactful leadership is achievable from any position within an organization. The essence of leadership lies in the commitment to inspire others to achieve greatness, proving that anyone, regardless of their role, can be a catalyst for positive change.

As I near the completion of my undergraduate degree in economics, I’ve realized that leadership shares some similarities with how economies work. Being a leader isn’t just about being in charge; it’s about getting everyone to work together and make the most of what they’ve got. Think of it like managing money in a household budget—you want to spend wisely and invest in things that will help everyone grow. Good leadership, like smart economics, is about making decisions that benefit everyone and being open to new ideas. I’m thrilled to carry these lessons into my law studies and I can’t wait to delve deeper into the world of law and continue learning and growing in this new chapter of my education.”

Scroggins, C. (2017). How to Lead When You’re Not in Charge: Leveraging Influence When You Lack Authority. Zondervan.

3 Responses

  1. Wow, this is so inspirational. Follow up question; Is everyone born or meant to lead at some point? Can some people not be good leaders but be good followers?

    1. Thank you for your response. In considering whether everyone is born to lead or if some are meant to be followers, the answer largely depends again on how we define leadership. If we view leadership as the ability to inspire and initiate change within one’s environment, then yes, everyone is bound to find themselves in situations where leadership is expected—whether it’s leading oneself or others towards a common goal.

      However, if we define leadership strictly in terms of holding formal authority or being in a commanding position, then no, not everyone is destined for that role. Some individuals excel in supporting roles, adept at being exceptional team players who thrive in executing tasks and following instructions diligently.

      Therefore, while innate leadership qualities can emerge in anyone through their ability to influence and drive change, the distinction lies in how leadership is perceived and enacted within different contexts. Ultimately, both leadership and followership are essential components of effective teamwork and organizational success, each contributing distinct strengths to achieving collective objectives.

      Yves M.

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